“watch” refers to keeping watch, i.e. keeping a watchful eye. If you have ever done babysitting, you’ll have no problem understanding what it means to keep watch, that i...
同学们好啊——你们的老师名叫:Never Wong! 不过,最高能的还要算这个…… @Paul Denlinger: I knew a pair of programmers who did pair programming whose names were Shit and Fuck。...
夸女孩子漂亮,不要动不动就 beautiful(除非你是真的这么觉得),那是最高级别的夸赞了,可以换成good - looking pretty beautiful,如果加上穿的漂亮,惊艳到了,可以说 gorgeous。 “cute” ...
3.Someone’s name is mud某人声名狼藉/臭名昭著 Mud是泥土意思,这个短语的意思即为某人的名声扫地、臭名昭著。 Your name is mud,you can’t use the car for a whole month. 你的信用...
更多内容请点击:Not on my watch? 只要我在,这事就没门